Monday, 11 February 2013

Staying safe in the snow!

The snow is falling and while it may look pretty here is our guide to staying safe:

  • Dress in layers. Wearing plenty of layers is the best way to stay warm in the cold weather as you can peel them off should you start to heat up.

  • Wear good shoes. Think carefully about your footwear so as to avoid trips and falls which can lead to injuries. As well as keeping your feet warm and dry your shoes/boots should have good grip.

  • Stay hydrated. Although this may sound like advice for warm weather it applies in the snow too as you can lose much of your body’s water through your breath. Warm drinks will help to warm you up and rehydrate you too.

  • Take it slow. Slips, trips and falls are the most common injuries in winter weather such as snow and ice. Take your time when walking and allow plenty of time to get from A to B; you should also try to keep an eye on the pavement for particularly slippery areas.

  • Think about others. If you have elderly or disabled neighbours offer to help them by picking up essentials for them when you do your own shopping.

Remember if you do have any slips in the snow The Wellness Hub is here to help!

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